Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Back from Beneath

Whew!  I must say that the last week and a half have been a whirlwind.  I've returned to work, experienced my first earthquake and hurricane (yes, I know I need to stop talking about them, but c'mon!  2 natural disasters!  In one week!), nursed, nursed, and nursed some more, cleaned, cooked, laughed, cried...you get the point.  Last night, after a seriously delicious Lebanese dinner, I went to bed.  At 7:45.

On top of being incredibly busy, our internet service provider lost power in the hurricane.  As a result, I chose not to wasn't able to check my e-mail, read any blogs, or compose any of my own.  When I finally opened up my e-mail today, I found this:

ugh.  where to begin!?

In perfect procrastinating form, I ignored all the e-mails and went straight to my Goo.gle Reader:

Yeah...not gonna happen.

As if I'm not already overwhelmed by everything else in my life, my fun pastime has to rear it's ugly head and slap me in the face.

That's pretty much the state of this girl as of late.  So I'll leave you with a picture of how we abused enjoyed our uninterrupted time with J this weekend.


Unknown said...

It looks like he is planning to take over the world, lol!

Cajun Cowgirl said...

That picture is the best! It looks like he was quite on top of this storm!

stephanie said...

that picture is adorable! a little weatherman for sure!

mama foosa said...

my foosa is jealous of your very sophisticated weatherbaby.